Cutting poverty by 50% in Uganda is one of the chief goals of the Obama Administration's 2011-2015 strategy for that African nation, which will receive $3.5 billion under the ambitious plan. Among other stated ambitions is a reduction in cattle-raiding and counter-cattle-raiding in one particularly conflict-prone region of the country.
The U.S. Agency for International Development today made available the following policy documents governing the program:
Description: The Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2015 (CDCS) is USAID/Uganda’s approved country strategy and will guide USAID programming over the strategy period. The CDCS demonstrates how a number of important USAID policy initiatives will be implemented in Uganda, such as aid effectiveness principles, strengthened monitoring and evaluation, and procurement reform, and other initiatives under USAID Forward. This document should provide useful context to those reviewing upcoming solicitations and assistance opportunities.
UgandaCDCS - Working Extract.pdf (658.82 Kb)
Description: Feed the Future (FtF), the U.S. Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative, is a $3.5 billion commitment by President Obama at the G8 Summit in L’Aquila, Italy to address two goals: 1) reducing poverty by 50% and 2) reducing under-nutrition by 50% that will in turn contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 1. The Feed the Future Strategy for Uganda will guide programming for this initiative and should provide useful context to those reviewing upcoming solicitations and assistance opportunities.
Uganda Feed the Future Strategy Mar10 Final.pdf (2,946.38 Kb)
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